Empowering Digital Storytelling: Fostering Environmental Awareness and Inspiring Sustainable Action Across Cultures and Generations


  • Michela Tramonti European Training and Research for a Cooperation Key to Business (EU-Track), Viale Europa, 95, Terracina, Italy
  • Alden Meirzhanovich Dochshanov European Training and Research for a Cooperation Key to Business (EU-Track), Viale Europa, 95, Terracina, Italy
  • Luigi Tramonti European Training and Research for a Cooperation Key to Business (EU-Track), Viale Europa, 95, Terracina, Italy




STEM Education, Digital Transformation, Game-based Learning, Environmental Sustainability, Collaborative Learning


Nowadays, European education faces challenges like declining STEM interest, digital transformation needs, and climate change urgency. In response, the BIG GAME project integrates digital storytelling and game-based learning to foster STEM interest, enhance digital literacy, and address environmental issues through collaborative, scenario-based learning among secondary school students. This article introduces the project's innovative approach.


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How to Cite

Tramonti, M., Meirzhanovich Dochshanov, A., & Tramonti, L. (2024). Empowering Digital Storytelling: Fostering Environmental Awareness and Inspiring Sustainable Action Across Cultures and Generations. Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage, 14, 45–52. https://doi.org/10.55630/dipp.2024.14.3

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