Author Guidelines

Submission of the manuscripts implies that they have not been published before nor are currently submitted for publication in any other journals, which should be declared in a cover letter by the authors. The manuscripts must be submitted in electronic version to the Editorial e-mail address:

Types of Manuscripts

The periodical Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage publishes three categories of papers and the authors must indicate the category of their submission in the cover letter:

  • Full papers must be based on the results of original research. They will normally have a maximum length of 8-10 pages including tables, illustrations and references.
  • Short papers should be concise, focused on new results and data. They will be no longer than 6 pages, including the tables and figures.
  • Project papers should include a concise presentation of applied results, projects, practices, and case studies. This category of papers is oriented towards representatives of public and specialised libraries, museums, galleries, archives, centres, both national and foreign research institutions and universities, aiming to attract these specialists to exchange experiences, ideas, knowledge and best practices in the field. The project papers will be no longer than 6 pages, including the tables and figures.


Manuscripts should be written in clear and grammatically correct English. British English spelling and terminology must be used. If English is not your native language we strongly recommend the text of your paper to be reviewed by a native speaker or a professional science editor before submission.

General presentation of the manuscripts

The title page should include:

1) Title of paper,
2) Name, affiliation and mailing address (including e-mail) of each author (the address must include the city and country),
3) Abstract (not exceeding 50 words), that includes a clear statement of the research objectives, a short overview of the methods used, the most important results and a conclusion. Avoid references and abbreviations.
4) Keywords (not exceeding five), which can be used for indexing purposes.

The standard order of sections should be used (an example is: Introduction, Exposition of the Investigation, Results, Discussion, Conclusions (optional), Acknowledgements, and References). In particular, manuscripts should include: an introductory part with representation and analysis of the problem(s) under consideration and current state-of-the-art of the existing solutions; exposition of the investigation and comments on the results obtained; evaluation of the contribution indicating advantages, limitations and possible directions for future research. References should follow in APA standard and should be listed at the end of manuscript.

General Text Formatting

The papers must follow the formatting guidelines and the template of the issue. Authors must:

•   Use a normal, plain font for the text.

•   Use italic and bold for emphasis.

•   Use the MS Word equation editor for equations.

•   Save the file in DOCX.

•   Headings: Use no more than three levels of displayed headings.

•   Abbreviations should be defined at first mention and used consistently thereafter.

•   Footnotes can be used to give additional information. Footnotes to the text are numbered consecutively. Do not use footnotes on the first page.

•   Acknowledgments of people, grants, funds, etc. should be placed in a separate section before the reference list. The names of funding organizations should be written in full. This section is optional.

  • Tables: The tables should always be cited in the text in consecutive numerical order and must be numbered using Arabic numerals. For each table, please supply a table title describing its content.
  • Illustrations: All illustrations, including charts and photos, must be labelled as Figures. The Figures must be numbered consecutively and referenced in the text (Fig. 1). For each illustration supply a figure caption. The figures should use a 300 dpi resolution. Color illustrations are accepted for the electronic publication. The editors reserve the right to decide what figures are justified. The periodical is printed in B/W. The electronic publication is in color.

The Figures must be numbered consecutively and referenced in the text (Fig. 1). For each illustration supply a figure captions. The figures has to be in 300 dpi.

References: References must follow the APA 7th style. The information about APA 7th citation is not consistent and it is widespread, therefore you can use quick guides for APA 7th referencing style (linklink). Please, use as examples: APA Style. 7th edition. Common Reference Examples Guide (PDF).

Citations can be done automatically in MS Word or written directly in the text and References. References should be arranged first alphabetically and then further sorted chronologically if necessary. Format of the references: Times New Roman 10; Alignment: Justified, Outline level: Body text; Left: 0 cm, Right: 0 cm, Hanging: 0.4 cm; Paragraph Spacing Before: 0 pt, Paragraph Spacing After: 0 pt; Line Spacing: 12 pt; examples:

Luchev, D., Goynov, M., Paneva-Marinova, D., Stoykov, J., & Pavlova, L. (2021). Synergy of National Cultural Heritage and Technology. Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage11, 281–286.

Paneva-Marinova, D., Goynov, M., & Luchev, D. (2017). Multimedia digital library: constructive block in ecosystems for digital cultural assests. Basic functionality and services. LAMBERT Academic Publishing.

Paneva-Marinova, D., Goynov, M., Luchev, D., Pavlova, L., Márkus, Z. L., Veres, M., Weisz, Z., Szántó, G., & Szkaliczki, T. (2022). Studying Thracian Civilization through Serious Games and Storytelling. In O. Bernardes, V. Amorim, & A. Moreira (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Cross-Disciplinary Uses of Gamification in Organizations (pp. 445-466). IGI Global.

The APA 7th the manuals are not detailed enough as guidance, namely the editions are not in English (link), and even more so - not in Latin (link), but you can use them as they are.

Concerning the issue of journal citation for non-Latin editions, you should use the guidelines for non-English journals with the non-Latin supplements:

  • When citing a foreign language journal, transliterate, if necessary;
  • Do not translate foreign journal titles into English.

Concerning citation of editions that are in Cyrillic, you should follow the rules:

  • There should be no Cyrillic text in the References (nothing but Latin when writing the information in the references).
  • The names and titles of articles are transliterated according to the norms of the relevant original language for transcribing in Latin (Online applications can be used, for example link).
  • After the transliterated title of the article, the English title of the article is placed in square brackets (Usually there is an English translation of title of the article in the article itself or in the content of the issue. This article title in English should be used rather than a new translation of the original article title).
  • When citing a foreign language journal, transliterate if necessary (for journal names in Cyrillic, this is mandatory).
  • Do not translate foreign journal titles into English (if the journal has an original title also written in Latin, it could be used).

Following these rules (and APA 7 style requirements) the Cyrillic article reference (example: Скарпа, М., Рипаранте, М., Панева-Маринова, Д., Гойнов, М., & Лучев, Д. (2022). Онлайн база данни на южнославянски ръкописи от XIV в. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, XLVI(1), 181-202) should look like this:

Skarpa, M., Riparante, M., Paneva-Marinova, D., Goynov, M. & Luchev, D. (2022). Onlayn baza danni na yuzhnoslavyanski rakopisi ot XIV v. [Online Database for South Slavonic Manuscripts from the 14th c.]. Palaeobulgarica / Starobalgaristika, XLVI(1), 181-202.

• Citation: Cite references in the text by name and year in parentheses following the APA 7 style.

All papers will be single-blind peer-reviewed by at least two members of the Editorial board. All submissions will be reviewed on the basis of relevance, originality, significance, soundness, and clarity. At least one author should attend the DiPP conference to present the paper (more information about DiPP2024 is available at: 

The authors are responsible for the opinions expressed by them and for the plausibility of their data.

The edition do crosscheck against plagiarism. If any author used certain source and did not cite it, we consider that as plagiarism and we will never publish such an article.