Publication Fee

To cover the cost of publication, authors pay a publication fee for manuscripts that are accepted after single-blind peer review. There are no charges for rejected articles, and no submission charges. There are surcharges based on the length of an article and courier expenses for hard copy delivery of the issue (see below). The publication fee is payable before publishing when the manuscript is editorially accepted, and it is charged to the authors or their funder- institution or employer. The authors of the manuscript need to fill in a registration form, including payment terms and conditions.

  • The publication fee is 150 Euro (300 BGN) for the first author of a paper and 110 Еuro (220 BGN) for second, third, … author (i.e. 2 authors of a paper --> 260 Euro fee, etc.).
  • For an author who is a PhD student, the fee is 100 Еuro (200 BGN). (А confirmation about the PhD student status from the university/research institution is necessary).
  • Each paid fee covers only one paper. If you are an author of more than one paper, for every additional paper you need to pay a separate fee.
  • When a paper exceeds 10 pages (for full paper) and 6 pages (for short and project paper), additional pages will be chargeable (20 Euro (40 BGN) per page).
  • Participants have to pay the publication fee in Еuro or BGN via bank transfer till the date fixed in the acceptance letter of corresponding author.
  • For a hard copy delivery of the issue foreign authors need to pay courier expenses (50 euro).
  • Bulgarian participants need to pay in BGN.