The Orthodox Icons Collection of the Regional Historical Museum — Burgas: A Digital Library for Iconographic Objects


  • Radovesta Stewart Regional Historical Museum, Burgas, Bulgaria
  • Maria Zheleva-Monova Burgas Free University, Burgas, Bulgaria
  • Yanislav Zhelev Burgas Free University, Burgas, Bulgaria
  • Lilia Pavlova Laboratory of Telematics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
  • Detelin Luchev Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
  • Desislava Paneva-Marinova Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
  • Radoslav Pavlov Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences



Multimedia Digital Library, Virtual Museum Collections, Functionality, Services, Evaluation of Applicability, Evaluation of Necessity, Evaluation of Economic Effect


In an attempt to answer the needs for wider accessibility of the orthodox icons collection of the Regional Historical Museum — Burgas (RHM — Burgas), a team from the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics has developed and applied a multimedia digital library “ Virtual Collection of Icons ” . This development aims at adequate and complex presenting, documenting, cataloguing and preserving of orthodox icons through the use of modern technologies. Section 2 and 3 briefly describes a methodology for evaluation the need of introduction this innovation in RHM-Burgas, the innovative solution ’ s degree of viability and the economic impact. Section 4 presents the developed digital library, passing from the semantic description of the iconographic art content to the library architecture and functionality. In the last section are described some conclusions and aspects for future work.


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How to Cite

Stewart, R., Zheleva-Monova, M., Zhelev, Y., Pavlova, L., Luchev, D., Paneva-Marinova, D., & Pavlov, R. (2015). The Orthodox Icons Collection of the Regional Historical Museum — Burgas: A Digital Library for Iconographic Objects. Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage, 5, 157–172.

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