Aquae Calidae MusLib - to Connect 20 Centuries of History


  • Radovesta Stewart Regional Historical Museum - Burgas, Bulgaria University “Prof. Asen Zlatarov” Burgas, Bulgaria



Digitalization, Cultural heritage, Museum Collections


The following article presents the first steps towards the digitalization of the museum collection with artefacts, found over a period of 65 years in the archaeological site Aquae Calidae in the district Burgas Mineral Baths. The text includes representation of the data model and platform structure, which will offer further look into the process of digitizing movable cultural heritage and the compatibility with Bulgarian legislation.


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How to Cite

Stewart, R. (2018). Aquae Calidae MusLib - to Connect 20 Centuries of History. Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage, 8, 207–212.

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