How to Incorporate New Knowledge in the History Courses for 4th and 5th Grade Pupils


  • Stefka Kovacheva Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria



cultural heritage, database, digital dictionary, dictionary entry, ecourse, education environment, UNESCO


The article describes in brief the database, developed by IMI-BAS to present the cultural heritage sites in Bulgaria under the protection of UNESCO. This database will be used in an e-learning project currently under development, to integrate additional learning content to the “Man and Society” and “History and Civilization” courses. The project follows a contemporary teaching strategy based on the formal structure of the Understanding by Design approach. In the process of gaining knowledge the pupil is transformed from an object of action into a subject of action. This requires a new educational environment in accordance with the needs and interests of the learners. Such an environment will develop their abilities, and they will become active and productive participants in their own education.


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How to Cite

Kovacheva, S. (2014). How to Incorporate New Knowledge in the History Courses for 4th and 5th Grade Pupils. Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage, 4, 224–234.

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