Digital Storytelling Approach for Environmental Challenges and the Early School Leaving Prevention


  • Michela Tramonti EU-Track - European Training and Research Association for Key Cooperation to Business, Terracina, Italy
  • Alden M. Dochshanov EU-Track - European Training and Research Association for Key Cooperation to Business, Terracina, Italy
  • Fabrizio Casadio EU-Track - European Training and Research Association for Key Cooperation to Business, Terracina, Italy



Digital Storytelling, Games, Environmental Issues


Given the rapidly evolving nature of the labour market, it is crucial to develop individuals' soft skills to ensure effective job performance. To achieve this, teaching methods should prioritize the development of soft skills among students. One such instructional method is digital storytelling, which has been recognized as an essential tool for developing future workforce skills such as creativity, critical thinking, digital literacy, and communication skills. Two European Commission-funded projects under the Erasmus Plus Programme that utilize digital storytelling in education and training to help individuals and organizations adapt to the digital age are presented in the paper as examples of initiatives promoting this approach: The BIG_GAME and the Digital Stories.


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How to Cite

Tramonti, M., M. Dochshanov, A., & Casadio, F. (2023). Digital Storytelling Approach for Environmental Challenges and the Early School Leaving Prevention. Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage, 13, 283–288.

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