Water Management Digital Knowledge Repository as an Online Tool to Preserve, Maintain and Develop Technical Heritage of Water Sciences


  • Gábor Keve Ludovika University of Public Service, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky utca 12-14., H-6500, Baja, Hungary
  • Zsolt L. Márkus HUN-REN Institute for Computer Science and Control (HUN-REN SZTAKI), 13-17, Kende u., H-1111, Budapest, Hungary
  • György Szántó HUN-REN Institute for Computer Science and Control (HUN-REN SZTAKI), 13-17, Kende u., H-1111, Budapest, Hungary
  • Tibor Szkaliczki HUN-REN Institute for Computer Science and Control (HUN-REN SZTAKI), 13-17, Kende u., H-1111, Budapest, Hungary
  • Miklós Veres HUN-REN Institute for Computer Science and Control (HUN-REN SZTAKI), 13-17, Kende u., H-1111, Budapest, Hungary
  • Zsolt Weisz HUN-REN Institute for Computer Science and Control (HUN-REN SZTAKI), 13-17, Kende u., H-1111, Budapest, Hungary




Water Management, Digital Knowledge Repository, Database, Scientific Heritage, Multimedia Archive, eLearning, Mobile Application


Water Management Digital Knowledge Repository presented in this article is unique in the sense that it helps to preserve the heritage of water profession and facilitates access to the latest information for a wider public. This is particularly important in a country where water-related disasters have not only threatened the people in the past but unfortunately, they need to be prepared for such events in the future, too. Therefore, the digital knowledge repository, based on six pillars (eLearning, Photos, Videos, Journals, Textbooks, Glossary), plays a valuable and important role in Hungary.


Márkus, Z. L., & Wagner, B. (2011). GUIDE@HAND: Digital GPS Based Audio Guide that Brings the Past to Life. Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage, 1, 15-25. https://doi.org/10.55630/dipp.2011.1.2

Szlávik, L. (2023), Vízügyi Digitális Tudástár [Water Management Digital Knowledge Repository], Vízügyi Közlemények, 105 (2), 83-118. https://library.hungaricana.hu/en/view/VizugyiKozlemenyek_2023/




How to Cite

Keve, G., L. Márkus, Z., Szántó, G., Szkaliczki, T., Veres, M., & Weisz, Z. (2024). Water Management Digital Knowledge Repository as an Online Tool to Preserve, Maintain and Develop Technical Heritage of Water Sciences. Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage, 14, 83–94. https://doi.org/10.55630/dipp.2024.14.7

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