Workshop "Promoting the Green Transition through University Education on Green Standards"
Green Transition, Digitalization, Standards, Micro-credentials, Higher EducationAbstract
The seminar " Promoting the Green Transition via University Education with Green Standards " presents the approach and concept of the international project Boosting the Green Future via University Micro-Credentials (B-Green- ED) , funded by the Erasmus+ program KA220-HED - Cooperation partnerships in higher education, aiming to contribute to the achievement of the sustainable, green and digital goals of the European Union by providing innovative university micro-credentials related to environmental and management standards to improve the digital and green capabilities of the higher education sector. Some findings and results of the B-Green-ED research conducted in four EU countries - Bulgaria, Lithuania, Spain, and Romania are presented.References
B-Green-ED. (2022). B-Green-ED project.
CEN-CENELEC. (2022, 13). CEN-CENELEC London Declaration.
EFQM. (n.d.). EFQM Model 2nd Edition .
European Commission. (2022, 05 25). A European approach to micro-credentials.
European Commission. (2022, 02 01). Strategy on Standardisation.