Research on Linguistic Approaches, Used for Semantic Explanation of Bell’s Knowledge
Multimedia Digital Libraries, Frequency Dictionaries, Bells, Cultural Heritage, Multimedia Digital Archives, Computer ScienceAbstract
This paper presents a research of linguistic structure of Bulgarian bells knowledge. The idea of building semantic structure of Bulgarian bells appeared during the “Multimedia fund – BellKnow” project. In this project was collected a lots of data about bells, their structure, history, technical data, etc. This is the first attempt for computation linguistic explain of bell knowledge and deliver a semantic representation of that knowledge. Based on this research some linguistic components, aiming to realize different types of analysis of text objects are implemented in term dictionaries. Thus, we lay the foundation of the linguistic analysis services in these digital dictionaries aiding the research of kinds, number and frequency of the lexical units that constitute various bell objects.References
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Web Ontology Language,