Digital Approaches for the Presentation of Tourist Sites with Historical Significance


  • Radovesta Stewart University “Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov”, Burgas, Bulgaria
  • Colin Stewart Overhertz Ltd, Burgas, Bulgaria



Cultural Heritage, Digital Representation, Web Platforms, Digitization, Tourist Sites


This paper explores the digital approaches for the presentation of tourist sites with historical significance, focusing on the integration of cutting-edge technologies and innovative strategies. It investigates the use of virtual reality (VR), digital libraries and interactive web platforms to create immersive and interactive experiences for visitors. The paper highlights the benefits of these digital approaches in enhancing tourism, conservation efforts, and cultural understanding. Additionally, it discusses the role of digital representations in preserving both – the tangible and intangible heritage, while also promoting global accessibility, passing down the generations, volunteering and cultural exchange. Through case studies and examples, the paper showcases the transformative potential of digital approaches in presenting and safeguarding cultural heritage.


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How to Cite

Stewart, R., & Stewart, C. (2023). Digital Approaches for the Presentation of Tourist Sites with Historical Significance. Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage, 13, 325–332.