Digital Imaging Techniques in Archaeometry: The Case of an Ancient Crucifixion Icon


  • Magdelena Stoyanova Ca’ Foscari University, Centro Interdisciplinare di Studi Balcanici ed Internazionali, Venice, Italy
  • Diego Stoyanov University of Padova, Faculty of Engineering, Padova, Italy
  • Lilia Pavlova Laboratory of Telematics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria



Digital Image Post Processing, Imaging Techniques, Technical- Technological Analysis, Hristofor Žefarović, Painting Techniques


An ancient Crucifixion icon has been studied using imaging techniques integrated with appropriated visualizations. Relevant parameters and suitable algorithms have been selected in a proper sequence to segment the studied images into meaningful elements functional to the attribution of the icon through analysis of the employed materials and techniques. The cross-referencing of the results allowed to identify three main phases in the realization of the painting, to describe their extension, character and determine the possible authors as: Cretan/Ionian painters, '500-' 600 (1 st phase); Hristofor Žefarović, Western Balkans or Vienna, 1730-1753 (2 nd phase); Placido Fabris / Michelangelo Barbini, Venice, mid 19 th c. (3 rd phase).


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How to Cite

Stoyanova, M., Stoyanov, D., & Pavlova, L. (2022). Digital Imaging Techniques in Archaeometry: The Case of an Ancient Crucifixion Icon. Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage, 12, 193–204.

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