Mathematical Model, Development of Algorithms and Measurement of Parameters of Objects in Monitoring Systems for Protection of Cultural Heritage


  • Neli Simeonova “Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov” University, 8010, Burgas, Bulgaria
  • Ekaterina Gospodinova Technical University of Sofia, 8800, Sliven, Bulgaria



Preservation of Cultural Heritage, Video Surveillance System, Algorithms, Mathematical Modeling


This article is devoted to the creation of a mathematical model processing the output signal of video surveillance systems, based on information about the characteristics of the signals of the objects of observation, in order to protect cultural heritage. The subject of the study is the relationship between the structure and parameters of the output signal, certain changes in the situation in the area of observation and detection of a signal from foreign objects against the background of noise. Typical physical conditions for the functioning of video surveillance systems are defined and general recommendations for maintaining the operating point are offered. Algorithms have been developed that realize the functionality of the optimal detector device by numerical methods.


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How to Cite

Simeonova, N., & Gospodinova, E. (2022). Mathematical Model, Development of Algorithms and Measurement of Parameters of Objects in Monitoring Systems for Protection of Cultural Heritage. Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage, 12, 183–192.