Digital Humanities: Challenges of the Transformation of Tools and Objects of Knowledge in Contemporary Humanities


  • Alexandre Camus University of Lausanne, Institute of Social Sciences, Switzerland
  • Dessislava Paneva-Marinova Institute of Informatics and Mathematics, Bulgarian Academy of Science, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Detelin Luchev Institute of Informatics and Mathematics, Bulgarian Academy of Science, Sofia, Bulgaria



Digital Humanities, Social Sciences and Humanities, Computer Sciences


This paper aims to sketch some bases for the problematization of digital tools as objects of knowledge for Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH). Our purpose is to raise some relevant questions about the Digital Humanities (DH) and how SSH and Computer Sciences (CS) can work together to face new challenges. We discuss some tension points and propose a model for SSH and CS collaboration for joint projects in cultural digitization.


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How to Cite

Camus, A., Paneva-Marinova, D., & Luchev, D. (2013). Digital Humanities: Challenges of the Transformation of Tools and Objects of Knowledge in Contemporary Humanities. Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage, 3, 109–118.

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