The Plan of S. Maria Assunta in Torcello Designed by N. Brjullov at the Service of the Virtual 4D Reconstruction of the Cathedral Towards May 1855


  • Magdelena Stoyanova CISBI Ca’ Foscari University, Venice, Italy
  • Margarita Krylova State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Lilia Pavlova Laboratory of Telematics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria



Nikolaj Brjullov, Basilica of Torcello, Interactive Digital Storytelling, Virtual Documentation of Cultural Heritage, 4D Reconstruction


The plan of S. Maria Assunta in Torcello designed by the Russian architect and painter N. Brjullov in 1855 is analyzed in the context of less or more known written historic documents, of architectural and archaeological evidence, in order to virtually reconstruct by faithful images and interactive narratives the cathedral as it was immediately before the restorations 1854-58.


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How to Cite

Stoyanova, M., Krylova, M., & Pavlova, L. (2021). The Plan of S. Maria Assunta in Torcello Designed by N. Brjullov at the Service of the Virtual 4D Reconstruction of the Cathedral Towards May 1855. Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage, 11, 203–214.

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