Coins from the Burgas Bay: Creation of a New Digital Numismatic Content in the Internet Representing the Economic and Cultural Development of Burgas Region from Ancient Times to the Present Days
Virtual Museum Collections, Digital Numismatic Content Management, Digital Libraries, Web AccessAbstract
Coin Collection of Regional Historical Museum – Burgas /RHM- Burgas/ is one of the oldest and most complete in Bulgaria. This paper describes a project framework for building a virtual collection titled “Coins of the Burgas Bay” considered as a collection from digital objects presented in an interactive environment, rendered in a web browser. Using that environment, the virtual visitor can examine a given digital object inspecting it in detail. This article presents the conceptual model for the digital presentation and annotation of this unique numismatic content aiming to ensure the presentation of the content to the worldwide dispersed audience as well as to promote scientific research activities in the connected science domains.References
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