Sentiment Analysis of Speech with Application to Various Languages


  • Akash Apturkar SRH Berlin University, Charlottenburg, Germany
  • Alexander I. Iliev SRH Berlin University, Charlottenburg, Germany; Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Amruth Anand SRH Berlin University, Charlottenburg, Germany
  • Arush Oli SRH Berlin University, Charlottenburg, Germany
  • Swadesh Reddy Siddenki SRH Berlin University, Charlottenburg, Germany
  • Vikram Reddy Meka SRH Berlin University, Charlottenburg, Germany



Emotion Recognition, Speech Analysis, Language Processing, Android, Digital Archives


In this paper we aim to explore and implement a modern speech recognition system using Natural Language Processing (NLP) and sentiment analysis that can be applied in the area of audio and text archive investigation from various languages. To that end we developed a project that can be used to convert speech to text and perform various analysis on a converted text. Furthermore, we focused on recognizing different information such as names , emotions and also determine the overall sentiment of a script. Furthermore, we perform web scraping for names and organizations of importance used in speech. To achieve this, we used Python with various specialized modules. In order to simplify the task of collecting and storing audio inputs for processing we have developed an Android app with connection to a cloud database. This methodology can easily be applied for the purposes of digital presentation and preservation of cultural and scientific heritage.


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How to Cite

Apturkar, A., I. Iliev, A., Anand, A., Oli, A., Reddy Siddenki, S., & Reddy Meka, V. (2020). Sentiment Analysis of Speech with Application to Various Languages. Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage, 10, 103–118.

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