Machine Learning and Neural Networks Tools to Address Noisy Data Issues


  • Maria Teresa Artese IMATI - CNR (National Research Council), Milan, Italy
  • Isabella Gagliardi IMATI - CNR (National Research Council), Milan, Italy



Digital Library, Unsupervised Tools, Noisy Data, Tags, Content Based Retrieval


In this paper, we present tools for addressing noisy keyword issues in digital libraries. Two tasks, language detection and misspelling detection and correction, are addressed using both machine learning and deep learning techniques. To train and validate the models, different datasets were used/created/scraped. Encouraging preliminary results are presented and discussed.


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How to Cite

Teresa Artese, M., & Gagliardi, I. (2021). Machine Learning and Neural Networks Tools to Address Noisy Data Issues. Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage, 11, 89–98.

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