The Design Process of Educational Video Games in Cultural Heritage
Educational Video Games, Serious Games, Design Process, Cultural Heritage, Protection and Preservation of Cultural Heritage, UNESCOAbstract
This paper presents a summary model of the design process of educational video games for CH . The model is based on the use of the Classification of Educational Video Games for Cultural Heritage (CH) and the Design Recommendations included in it, described in a previous study by the author of this paper. The summary model focuses on CH objects that form the theme of the educational video game. Designers should carefully and purposefully research and analyze the CH objects, use the classification, and follow the design recommendations to design educational video games for CH, following the described design stages in the presented summary model of the design process. The paper also presents an appropriate example of using the summary model in applying it to design a new educational maze video game dedicated to CH object. The proposed summary model can serve as a starting point in establishing the design process of educational video games for CH and direct designers and creators of such games in the overall design process. Based on the classification and the design recommendations intended for the designers, the summary model presents essential design stages that designers should follow in designing and developing informative, purposeful, and effective educational video games in CH.References
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