Educational Video Games as Tools for Raising Awareness of the Protection and Preservation of Cultural Heritage
Cultural Heritage, Architecture, Protection and Preservation of Cultural Heritage, UNESCO, Educational Video Games, Serious GamesAbstract
This paper focuses on educational video games with a thematic orientation related to conserving and preserving Cultural Heritage (CH). Educational video games are effective and contemporary tools for influencing and educating users. Not only the educational content is integrated into these games, but they also embody the pedagogical and moral messages of the educator, which are transmitted to the learners in an entertainment game. This paper proposes a classification of educational video games in the domain of cultural heritage according to the significance and importance of Cultural Heritage objects in the three categories, presented in detail in the paper. The recommendations to designers included in the classification will help them purposefully design and develop educational video games for CH. These games will have pedagogical principles and form additional knowledge, values, and attitude in users towards the conservation of the CH at international, national, and local levels. The proposed classification of educational video games for CH will promote CH-related educational video games and provide ideas and opportunities for future developments for such educational video games. In this way, educational video games for CH will serve as powerful tools for raising awareness of protecting and preserving Cultural heritage.References
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