Preservation of the Cultural Heritage of the Armenians in Diaspora
The Role of the Church in Preserving the Cultural Heritage: The Example of the Armenians in Rome, Italy
Cultural Heritage, Preservation, Church, Diaspora, Armenians in RomeAbstract
This article refers to the role of the Church as an institution which is important for the preserving the cultural heritage of the ethnic communities in the Diaspora and, in particular, how the Armenian Catholic Church in Rome is involved in the preservation of the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the Armenians in the Italian capital city.References
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Such as January 6 (Epiphany of the Lord), February 3 - Feast of St. Blaise of Sebaste; Commemoration of Martyrs and St. Vartan Avarayr - last Thursday before Lent; April 24 - Commemoration of the Genocide of the Armenian people. St. Blaise, the bishop of Sebaste in Armenia is given a special recognition on February 3 by the Armenian Church in Via Giulia, not only with the divine liturgy but with a unique ceremony that parallels the practice of anointing the sick.
The College has hosted several high-level initiatives, including synods and historical conferences. It gave the Armenian Catholic Church priests who have distinguished themselves for their wise and holy life. Among them a special remembrance of the great and humble intellectual deserves Rev. Father Gregory Petrovich.
There is no official statistics on the number of the Armenian community in Rome. This information is based on observations of Robert Badichah.
This applies to the Armenian churches in city of Plovdiv, Pazardzhik, Sofia, Rousse, and Varna.
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