Digitization of Cultural Heritage – a Service-Oriented Approach
Cultural heritage digitization, Service-oriented computing, Organizational semiotics, Workflow managementAbstract
The digitization of Cultural Heritage assumes an interdisciplinary approach, collaborative knowledge co-creation, and distant communication. This can only be fulfilled by ICT means requiring in turn alignment between those who deliver the technical (IT) support and those who are in the role users. A Service-Oriented approach is considered adequate in this regard because of users’ composing services at high level (with underlying technical complexity remaining hidden) and developers’ considering the software components whose functionality is delivered through the services. All this requires however complex regulations to conform with. Semiotic norms in combination with workflows are considered in this regard. In this paper, we propose an approach based on Service-Oriented Computing and Organizational Semiotics, directed to Cultural Heritage digitization. The approach is partially illustrated by means of an example.References
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