Unravelling Landscape Permanencies: A Digital Historical Journey into the Milanese Countryside


  • Paola Branduini ABC Department, Politecnico of Milan, Via Ponzio 31, Milan, Italy
  • Mattia Previtali ABC Department, Politecnico of Milan, Via Ponzio 31, Milan, Italy
  • Marco Quaggiotto DESIGN department, Politecnico of Milan, Via Giovanni Durando 38/A, Milan, Italy
  • Monica Resmini DASTU Department, Politecnico of Milan, Via Edoardo Bonardi 3, Milan, Italy




Landscape, Geo-reference, Digital Mapping, Cultural Heritage, Interactive Device


The objective of the applied research is the construction of a crossmedia map to discover the agricultural landscape, through the digitization and geo-referencing on Google maps of historical maps and photos of the Cà Granda Foundation Archive. It allows the visualization and immediate accessibility of landscape transformations, in a sort of multimedia journey through time.


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How to Cite

Branduini, P., Previtali, M., Quaggiotto, M., & Resmini, M. (2020). Unravelling Landscape Permanencies: A Digital Historical Journey into the Milanese Countryside. Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage, 10, 119–128. https://doi.org/10.55630/dipp.2020.10.7