Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage <p>The periodical<em><strong> Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage </strong></em>presents innovative results, research projects, practices, case studies, and applications in the field of digitisation, documentation, archiving, representation and preservation of global and national tangible and intangible cultural and scientific heritage.</p> <p>The focus is on the search and the presentation of innovations such as information systems, innovative and creative tools for approaching cultural/scientific assets, applications and services for better access and exploitation of the rich and diverse digital cultural/scientific heritage in a sustainable way, intelligent curation, creative use/re-use and remix, reinterpretation, study, understanding, analysis, personalization, adaptation, semantics, protection, restoration, preservation, <em>etc.</em> The research community deals with the important issues of handling data directly, affecting the economy (as presented by creative and re-creative industry), the public sector (cultural institutions—museums, libraries, galleries, <em>etc.</em>), education, and society as a whole.</p> <p>All articles published in <strong>Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage</strong> have been open access since the beginning of the periodical's publication, and all articles, since 2022, are made immediately available worldwide under an open access <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0)</a>.</p> Institute of Mathematics and Informatics Bulgarian Academy of Sciences en-US Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 1314-4006 Revival and Multiplatform Presentation of Forgotten Religious Heritage Sites in the Project Named “Sacred Past” The objective of the paper is to shed light on the importance of the digital presentation of religious heritage and present the multimedia documentation of a chapel developed within the “Oltári Múlt” (“Sacred Past”, in Hungarian) project. It aims to preserve the values of medieval churches through video documentation. Walls and stones come alive for contemporary visitors, connecting the present with the past. The paper showcases an example of a chapel and how video documentation, virtual tours, and other ICT tools are applied in the project to create a digital narrative with a creative vision and mastermind approach. Gizella Börcsök Róbert Z. Nagy Krisztián Vollmuth Zsolt L. Márkus András J. Molnár György Szántó Tibor Szkaliczki Miklós Veres Zsolt Weisz Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 2023-09-01 2023-09-01 13 19 30 10.55630/dipp.2023.13.1 Regional Academic Centers and Their Role for Digitalization of the Cultural and Historical Heritage of the Black Sea Region Regional academic centers in the country create opportunities for applying an interdisciplinary approach in research, education and, above all, effective applied results serving business, municipal and national management organizations and institutions. One of the main activities of the Association "Regional Academic Center of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences" in Burgas is participation in the development of methods and technologies for digitalization of the cultural and historical heritage of the Black Sea region. The outsourced unit of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences carries out digitization activities of the cultural and scientific heritage of the region, having so far participated in activities to create digital libraries for the iconic collection of the Burgas History Museum and for the collections of the Regional Library "Peyo Yavorov" Burgas. Sevdalina Turmanova Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 2023-09-01 2023-09-01 13 31 38 10.55630/dipp.2023.13.2 Online Database of 14th-century South Slavonic Manuscripts. Research Results and Perspectives This paper shares the experience of the Kopisti14 project team in achieving a common interdisciplinary scientific result through active collaboration between philologists and computer scientists, each contributing according to their expertise. Some early results of this collaboration are presented. They show how the data collected and processed together offer some interesting insights and raise questions for future research. Marco Scarpa Marta Riparante Desislava Paneva-Marinova Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 2023-09-01 2023-09-01 13 39 44 10.55630/dipp.2023.13.3 Academic Institutional Repositories for Studies, Research and Preservation of Scientific Heritage in Latvia Institutional repositories enable the storage and sharing of scholarly information and are an essential element of open science. The study assesses the current status of institutional repositories in Latvian higher education institutions and provides an overview of the development, design and management of repositories, resource provision and access. Daina Valeine Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 2023-09-01 2023-09-01 13 45 60 10.55630/dipp.2023.13.4 The Role of Language Technologies in Digital Humanities (The Case of Parliamentary Debates) The paper focuses on the use case of parliamentary debates as part of Digital Humanities. First, the ParlaMint project is outlined as a flagship initiative of CLARIN ERIC infrastructure. The project makes content from the national and regional parliaments visible, comparable and accessible for policy making and research. Then, the approaches are considered that have been applied in the creation of 31 corpora from national and regional parliaments. Last but not least, the utility of the multilingual resource is discussed. Petya Osenova Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 2023-09-01 2023-09-01 13 61 68 10.55630/dipp.2023.13.5 Model of Taxonomy for Accessibility Ontology Digital accessibility to educational and informational resources for people with disabilities is an important part of contemporary life. Semantic organization of knowledge in the domain of accessibility provides a convenient way of extracting and organizing data. The paper focuses on semantic design techniques and related taxonomy models that could be used in the digitization process of resources intended of people with disabilities usage. Galina Bogdanova Todor Todorov Nikolay Noev Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 2023-09-01 2023-09-01 13 69 74 10.55630/dipp.2023.13.6 Digital Revival of the Bulgarica Collection of the Central Library of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences This paper presents the development of a digital library, created for the needs of the Central Library of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Based on previous work by the team from the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, this new environment exemplifies the employment of state-of-the-art digital technologies for the presentation of scientific literary heritage, in this case the Bulgarica Collection – the advancements of the researchers in the field of Bulgarian studies in the 1980s. The development is also a component of the research e-infrastructure CLADA-BG. Maxim Goynov Detelin Luchev Desislava Paneva-Marinova Silvia Najdenova Lubomir Zlatkov Lilia Pavlova Evita Pilege Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 2023-09-01 2023-09-01 13 77 86 10.55630/dipp.2023.13.7 “Encyclopaedia Slavica Sanctorum” Ten Years Later: Main Trends and Questions The paper discusses users’ activities in the period 2011-2022, mostly types of searches, in an electronic encyclopaedia on saints. The e-product contains information in Bulgarian on orthodox church calendar and texts dedicated to saints as preserved in medieval Slavonic manuscripts and in popular Bulgarian culture (as represented in fieldwork interviews). The most frequently used options are “view object” and “view date”. Most often articles on popular saints amongst Bulgarians were read, such as St. Basil the Great, St. Kliment of Ohrid, St. George, and St. Petka of Tarnovo. Less often are searches by combined parameters and an increase of their frequency is observable in 2019-2021. Margaret Dimitrova Maxim Goynov Konstantin Rangochev Detelin Luchev Gita Senka Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 2023-09-01 2023-09-01 13 87 96 10.55630/dipp.2023.13.8 Tangible and Personalized Smart Museum Application This paper presents the architecture of a Web app designed to deliver personalized content to museum visitors both indoors and outdoors. The app uses a tangible type of interface to obtain information about the museum's exhibits. For this purpose, each exhibit can be associated with an NFC tag, a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacon or a geofence in open-air museums. The service automatically profiles its users based on statistics about the preferred type of exhibits, media formats and time spent viewing each exhibit. Visitors can get the information they want about an exhibit even when the app is not running. Push notifications are used for this purpose. The necessary experiments have been conducted to prove the applicability of the service for real-time delivery of personalized content. Rosen Ivanov Victoria Velkova Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 2023-09-01 2023-09-01 13 97 106 10.55630/dipp.2023.13.9 Application of Geolocation Module in the Electronic Multimedia Guide The paper presents the work in progress towards the enhancement of features and increasing the comfort of usability of the multimedia guide for the War Museum of Niš under the Open Sky. Previously, this electronic guide was realized as a mobile application that informs visitors about the persons and events to which monuments in the city of Niš are dedicated. Visitors could access information about the monuments through a list of monuments or by using an interactive map with the location of the monuments marked. Presently, we are introducing a new module that will improve user experience through the usage of location-based services. The visitor's location is used by the Geolocation module to show the information about the nearby monument. The monument has to be inside of a predefined radius (e.g. 2 m or more) in order to activate the projection of the information about the monument. Dušan Tatić Radomir S. Stanković Marko Jovanović Jovan Stojanović Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 2023-09-01 2023-09-01 13 107 116 10.55630/dipp.2023.13.10 Digital Reconstruction of Lost Architectural Heritage on the Case Study of Two 19th Century Houses I discuss sources, main stages and results of digital three-dimensional reconstruction of destroyed houses from the 19th century in the town of Teteven. The goal is to test a new model of preservation of architectural heritage which exists now only in archived drawings and to establish new conditions of rethinking its value in virtual reality. I introduce the concept of monuments of absence insofar as the digital avatars possess authenticity and sacredness. Dimitrina Popova Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 2023-09-01 2023-09-01 13 117 126 10.55630/dipp.2023.13.11 The Case Study of the Serbian Copyist Ioan. On the Development of a Scientific Method for South Slavonic Palaeography The present research aims to address the case study about the Serbian copyist anagnost Ioan through the use of the web-based repository. The same scribe's signature is observed in the manuscripts Dečani No 127 and No 119, which are also connected by the typology and a similar dating. The goal is to compare the distinctive features of both manuscripts and the handwriting of the 14th century scribes who contributed to the copying. In conducting this research, we will use a new descriptive scientific model, created and tested by the research project team. Marta Riparante Milena Davidović Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 2023-09-01 2023-09-01 13 127 136 10.55630/dipp.2023.13.12 Unsupervised Creation of Semantic Graphs to Navigate Intangible Cultural Heritage Using Transformers The success of cultural heritage archives depends on their ease of use and navigation. A simple and intuitive user interface can improve accessibility and inclusiveness. This paper presents a new approach to create semantic graphs from archive contents. The resulting graphical representation allows users to explore and navigate the data in new and intuitive ways. Maria Teresa Artese Isabella Gagliardi Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 2023-09-01 2023-09-01 13 137 148 10.55630/dipp.2023.13.13 An Approach to Data Representation and Processing of Knowledge from the Bulgarian Folklore In the context of global and high-tech development, cultural fields are often overlooked during these transitions. Therefore, it is essential to pay close attention to their inclusion. Cultural-historical heritage, which has undergone centuries of changes, deserves to be introduced into the technological world and made as accessible as possible to society, without territorial or border restrictions. Digitizing a part of this heritage, including folklore, can make it high-tech while preserving its character, peculiarity, and identity. This article examines the digitalization of Bulgarian cultural and historical heritage. It explores existing international standards for presenting cultural heritage and proposes a formalism for an adequate presentation of knowledge in the field of Bulgarian folklore. This article presents the first version of a model for the formal description of objects from Bulgarian folklore. We provide examples of the formal presentation of objects from Bulgarian folklore and their corresponding computer implementation. Veneta Tabakova-Komsalova Asya Stoyanova-Doycheva Alexander Petrov Laska Kostadinova-Tzankova Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 2023-09-01 2023-09-01 13 149 158 10.55630/dipp.2023.13.14 Representing and Creating 3D Bobbin Lace This article presents a new method for designing 3D bobbin lace patterns that addresses the lack of specifications and difficulties faced by novice users when using conventional pictorial symbol patterns. The methodology presented demonstrates the feasibility and potential for preserving traditional techniques, exploring new possibilities and advancing the field. Julie Agrain Antoine Poulain Adélaïde Albouy-Kissi Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 2023-09-01 2023-09-01 13 159 168 10.55630/dipp.2023.13.15 Benefits and Security Challenges of Big Data Analytics Big data analytics is a powerful technique used by companies to secure their data. However, data security remains a significant challenge for cultural entities such as libraries and museums, as hackers can target database systems and gain access to sensitive information. This study examines the benefits and security issues associated with big data analytics and proposes a manual approach for analyzing data with application to digital presentation and preservation of cultural heritage. By providing insights into the strengths and weaknesses of big data analytics and exploring strategies for securing data, the goal of the research is to help organizations make informed decisions about their data management practices. Alexander I. Iliev Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 2023-09-01 2023-09-01 13 169 180 10.55630/dipp.2023.13.16 Personalization Approaches for Cultural Heritage Study In this paper, we review different approaches of providing personalization for cultural heritage content – several static and adaptive approaches, and recommendation systems. The purpose of our research is to compare these methods, evaluate their feasibility for certain types of applications in the field. We outline the needs for personalized experience involving cultural heritage content and describe how those needs are addressed by the different approaches, and point the challenges, benefits, and disadvantages of each of these methods. Emanuela Mitreva Alexandra Nikolova Vladimir Georgiev Ani Gigova Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 2023-09-01 2023-09-01 13 181 188 10.55630/dipp.2023.13.17 Career Guidance Model for Digital Transformation in the Cultural and Creative Industries Cultural and creative industries are undergoing a digital transformation. To successfully use the opportunities of information technologies, it is necessary to invest in human capital. A successful, digitally based, accessible and inclusive career guidance system is one of the preconditions for the development of countries, organizations and individuals. Evita Pilege Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 2023-09-01 2023-09-01 13 189 198 10.55630/dipp.2023.13.18 University Readiness for Inclusive Digital Education in Industry 4.0 Era: Survey Results The emergence of Industry 4.0 has brought about remarkable technological progressions, leading to substantial transformations in work environments. This has created a globally shared vision that the educational and training systems should be improved to offer high-quality, inclusive, and accessible digital education to develop essential skills and abilities that guarantee job readiness and assimilation into the current labour metamorphoses of era 4.0. In Europe, the reform of education at all levels in response to the concepts of University 4.0 and Education 4.0 is outlined as a key priority. In this regard, outlining the factors for successful inclusive digital education, as well as the barriers to its implementation, is crucial. This paper presents some of the main results of a survey conducted in Bulgaria, Greece, Italy and Latvia, aiming to determine the readiness of universities to provide inclusive Industry 4.0 education. Evgeniya Nikolova Mariya Monova-Zheleva Yanislav Zhelev Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 2023-09-01 2023-09-01 13 199 208 10.55630/dipp.2023.13.19 Usage of Digitised Scientific Resources in Educational Institutions Over the years studies of scientific publications were on the rise and controlling their content and references was almost impossible. With the provision of platforms like Scopus, Web of Science, and other science databases, this became much easier due to indexation and citation mechanisms incorporated in these databases. In the paper is made an overview of some popular scientific databases. The accessibility of the platforms to people with visual disabilities is investigated. Also, results from scientific research about application of scientific resources and databases in Kosovo’s education institutions are presented. Todor Todorov Pajtim Vela Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 2023-09-01 2023-09-01 13 209 218 10.55630/dipp.2023.13.20 Educational Video Games as Tools for Raising Awareness of the Protection and Preservation of Cultural Heritage This paper focuses on educational video games with a thematic orientation related to conserving and preserving Cultural Heritage (CH). Educational video games are effective and contemporary tools for influencing and educating users. Not only the educational content is integrated into these games, but they also embody the pedagogical and moral messages of the educator, which are transmitted to the learners in an entertainment game. This paper proposes a classification of educational video games in the domain of cultural heritage according to the significance and importance of Cultural Heritage objects in the three categories, presented in detail in the paper. The recommendations to designers included in the classification will help them purposefully design and develop educational video games for CH. These games will have pedagogical principles and form additional knowledge, values, and attitude in users towards the conservation of the CH at international, national, and local levels. The proposed classification of educational video games for CH will promote CH-related educational video games and provide ideas and opportunities for future developments for such educational video games. In this way, educational video games for CH will serve as powerful tools for raising awareness of protecting and preserving Cultural heritage. Yavor Dankov Andjela Dankova Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 2023-09-01 2023-09-01 13 219 228 10.55630/dipp.2023.13.21 The Design Process of Educational Video Games in Cultural Heritage This paper presents a summary model of the design process of educational video games for CH . The model is based on the use of the Classification of Educational Video Games for Cultural Heritage (CH) and the Design Recommendations included in it, described in a previous study by the author of this paper. The summary model focuses on CH objects that form the theme of the educational video game. Designers should carefully and purposefully research and analyze the CH objects, use the classification, and follow the design recommendations to design educational video games for CH, following the described design stages in the presented summary model of the design process. The paper also presents an appropriate example of using the summary model in applying it to design a new educational maze video game dedicated to CH object. The proposed summary model can serve as a starting point in establishing the design process of educational video games for CH and direct designers and creators of such games in the overall design process. Based on the classification and the design recommendations intended for the designers, the summary model presents essential design stages that designers should follow in designing and developing informative, purposeful, and effective educational video games in CH. Yavor Dankov Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 2023-09-01 2023-09-01 13 229 238 10.55630/dipp.2023.13.22 Electronic Repository of Educational Materials on the Topics “Rehabilitation in Post-COVID” and “Neurorehabilitation in Neuro-COVID”: Structure of the Course and Analysis of Learners’ Opinion The pandemic of COVID-19 imposed the necessity to develop the competences of medical specialists and health professionals on the topic “COVID-Rehabilitation”. We prepared educational materials and an electronic repository, including these topics. The current article presents the structure of the course and the learners’ opinion on the benefits of the educational module. Ivet B. Koleva Borislav R. Yoshinov Radoslav R. Yoshinov Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 2023-09-01 2023-09-01 13 239 250 10.55630/dipp.2023.13.23 Digital Health: A Web-based Repository with Back School Recommendations and Exercises against Paravertebral Pain (with a Comparative Study of the Opinions of Responders of Different Generations) Digital Health (DH) is a relatively new concept for our country. The current article is oriented to the application of DH technologies for the prevention of paravertebral pain, by a web-based repository. In the repository, we included Back school recommendations, position techniques, exercises, activities, sports, and clinical cases of our own rehabilitation practice. Radoslav R. Yoshinov Borislav R. Yoshinov Ivet B. Koleva Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 2023-09-01 2023-09-01 13 251 260 10.55630/dipp.2023.13.24 Intellectual Property Protection of Digital Cultural Heritage Use of information and communication technologies are becoming a crucial part of our lives, which creates new opportunities for promoting Cultural Heritage through digital technologies and the internet. Use of techniques for intellectual property protection of digital content by cultural heritage institutions has gotten little attention up to this point. As technology evolves rapidly, concerns about protecting intellectual property have arisen, as digital content could be modified using freely available software. The paper focuses on watermarking techniques that could be used in the digitization process and analyses of algorithms for protecting intellectual property of digital heritage content. Todor Todorov Shpend Lutfiu Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 2023-09-01 2023-09-01 13 263 268 10.55630/dipp.2023.13.25 The Impact of Cloud Technologies on Preserving and Promoting Cultural Identity This study explores cloud technologies' role in cultural preservation and promotion, analyzing accessibility, collaboration, and cost-effectiveness. The paper identifies challenges, including the digital divide and cyber-security concerns, and emphasizes addressing them to harness cloud technologies' full potential in cultural heritage initiatives. Irena Peteva Daniela Pavlova Ivanka Pavlova Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 2023-09-01 2023-09-01 13 269 274 10.55630/dipp.2023.13.26 Storytelling and Gaming Tools for Easy Immersive Fruition of Intangible Heritage Transmission and preservation are key aspects of intangible heritage, so new communication strategies are crucial to reach a wider audience. The aim of this work is to apply digital storytelling tools and games to disseminate heritage and help people to discover it, by developing challenges and adventures based on the resources retrieved from Querylab's ICH Discovery section. Maria Teresa Artese Isabella Gagliardi Mattia Fortunati Tiziana Pasciuto Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 2023-09-01 2023-09-01 13 277 282 10.55630/dipp.2023.13.27 Digital Storytelling Approach for Environmental Challenges and the Early School Leaving Prevention Given the rapidly evolving nature of the labour market, it is crucial to develop individuals' soft skills to ensure effective job performance. To achieve this, teaching methods should prioritize the development of soft skills among students. One such instructional method is digital storytelling, which has been recognized as an essential tool for developing future workforce skills such as creativity, critical thinking, digital literacy, and communication skills. Two European Commission-funded projects under the Erasmus Plus Programme that utilize digital storytelling in education and training to help individuals and organizations adapt to the digital age are presented in the paper as examples of initiatives promoting this approach: The BIG_GAME and the Digital Stories. Michela Tramonti Alden M. Dochshanov Fabrizio Casadio Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 2023-09-01 2023-09-01 13 283 288 10.55630/dipp.2023.13.28 The Design and Implementation of an Open-source Programmable Bot for Educational Purposes The ubiquity and an established framework for using open-source electronics and 3D prototyping platforms have enhanced the ways educational robotics (ER) is introduced. Low entry-level, a wide range of peripheral modules and 3D designs alleviate approaching the subject. Nevertheless, the relative ease such systems aim to provide tends to obscure the underlying machinery and basic principles. In this regard, the present article describes designing and implementing a simple programmable Arduino-based bot with a particular accent on the underpinning principles' exposition. Alden M. Dochshanov Michela Tramonti Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 2023-09-01 2023-09-01 13 289 298 10.55630/dipp.2023.13.29 Fostering the Development and Implementation of Digital Learning Strategies for Digitization in Schools In today's fast-paced and rapidly changing world, teachers must continually update their skills and competencies to meet the new requirements of education. As new technologies and teaching methodologies emerge, teachers need to stay abreast of these changes to be effective in the classroom.The paper discusses an approach for improvement of skills and competencies of the adult educators across Europe on how to use digital tools, digital content libraries and technology-enhanced methods, among them the “Episodes of Situated Learning”, to ensure engaging and meaningful virtual instruction in inclusive settings. Mariya Monova-Zheleva Yanislav Zhelev Michela Tramonti Alden M. Dochshanov Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 2023-09-01 2023-09-01 13 299 304 10.55630/dipp.2023.13.30 Towards an Augmented Reality Game for Learning about Ivan Vazov's Literary Works This paper presents a concept for a serious game based on an augmented reality representation of a mural artwork located in the National Library “Ivan Vazov” in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. The mural features the renowned Bulgarian author Ivan Vazov in the center, surrounded by characters from his literary works. By using a head-mounted display in front of the mural, the players would see movement of the characters and will be able to interact with them in a gamified augmented reality environment. The serious game proposed in this paper offers a solution to the engagement of players with literature and textual heritage within a broader cultural context. Ivan Kratchanov Dimitar Minev Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 2023-09-01 2023-09-01 13 305 310 10.55630/dipp.2023.13.31 Cultural Heritage through the Lens of e-Governance This paper explores the intersection of e-Governance and cultural heritage digitization, discussing its potential impact on the economy and social life amid rapid advancements in Information and communication technologies (ICT). Daniela Pavlova Irena Peteva Ivanka Pavlova Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 2023-09-01 2023-09-01 13 311 316 10.55630/dipp.2023.13.32 Aquae Calidae - New Museum Exposition Based on Various Digitalization Methods This paper aims to present a comprehensive overview of the new interactive exposition centre at Aquae Calidae, Burgas, Bulgaria, which was opened in 2022. Innovative technologies for digitalization and presentation of cultural heritage have been incorporated into the centre to provide visitors with a captivating journey through time and immersive experiences. The focus is on the utilization of the famous historical place into a modern tourist complex with a replica of a Roman bath with hot mineral water and an interactive museum with room featuring 3D mapping to transport visitors to different historical eras, 3D glasses for virtual reality (VR) displaying the digitalized objects and representation of the ancient baths interior, interactive floor games utilizing authentic artifacts, and a photo challenge that captures the visitors in four time periods. By exploring the implementation and impact of these technologies, this paper seeks to highlight the significance of such interactive experiences in promoting cultural appreciation, education and tourism. Radovesta Stewart Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 2023-09-01 2023-09-01 13 317 324 10.55630/dipp.2023.13.33 Digital Approaches for the Presentation of Tourist Sites with Historical Significance This paper explores the digital approaches for the presentation of tourist sites with historical significance, focusing on the integration of cutting-edge technologies and innovative strategies. It investigates the use of virtual reality (VR), digital libraries and interactive web platforms to create immersive and interactive experiences for visitors. The paper highlights the benefits of these digital approaches in enhancing tourism, conservation efforts, and cultural understanding. Additionally, it discusses the role of digital representations in preserving both – the tangible and intangible heritage, while also promoting global accessibility, passing down the generations, volunteering and cultural exchange. Through case studies and examples, the paper showcases the transformative potential of digital approaches in presenting and safeguarding cultural heritage. Radovesta Stewart Colin Stewart Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 2023-09-01 2023-09-01 13 325 332 10.55630/dipp.2023.13.34 Towards Effective Bulgarian Competence Centre in High Performance Computing – Service Portfolio and Competences Three years ago a new European initiative started: establishing a network of Centres of Competence in HPC in the European countries through the project EuroCC (2020-2022) in its second phase EuroCC2 (2023-2025). The goal is to accelerate the improvement of national and thus European capabilities in the area of HPC+ technologies, where HPC+ means High Performance Computing (HPC) and HPC application in HPDA and AI. In order to form an effective National Competence Centre in HPC+ technologies, we performed extensive competence mapping and now devise an extensive service portfolio, open to users from academia, public administration and industry. In this paper we present our analysis of the situation in Bulgaria as well as our approaches to make NCC and effective focus point for those that can benefit from use of HPC+ technology in their research or business. Emanouil Atanassov Todor Gurov Aneta Karaivanova Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 2023-09-01 2023-09-01 13 333 340 10.55630/dipp.2023.13.35 The 14th National Information Day: Open Science, Open Data, Open Access, Bulgarian Open Science Cloud The paper gives an overview on the current landscape and the activities on national and institutional level regarding Open Science, Open Access to scientific information, Open Data, Bulgarian Open Science Cloud. Peter Stanchev Aneta Karaivanova Yanita Zherkova Hristiyaniya Klisarova Jordan Iliev Radoslav Pavlov Georgi Simeonov Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 2023-09-01 2023-09-01 13 343 352 10.55630/dipp.2023.13.36 Workshop "Promoting the Green Transition through University Education on Green Standards" The seminar " Promoting the Green Transition via University Education with Green Standards " presents the approach and concept of the international project Boosting the Green Future via University Micro-Credentials (B-Green- ED) , funded by the Erasmus+ program KA220-HED - Cooperation partnerships in higher education, aiming to contribute to the achievement of the sustainable, green and digital goals of the European Union by providing innovative university micro-credentials related to environmental and management standards to improve the digital and green capabilities of the higher education sector. Some findings and results of the B-Green-ED research conducted in four EU countries - Bulgaria, Lithuania, Spain, and Romania are presented. Yanislav Zhelev Mariya Monova-Zheleva Diana Sabotinova Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 2023-09-01 2023-09-01 13 353 358 10.55630/dipp.2023.13.37 Second Information Day: Research Infrastructure Services in the Humanities and Social Sciences The main results of the work of the team of Institute of Mathematics and Informatics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences on the project CLaDA- BG – the Bulgarian National Interdisciplinary Research e-Infrastructure for Resources and Technologies in Favor of the Bulgarian Language and Cultural Heritage, Part of the EU Infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH, will be presented during the Information Day within the DiPP2023 conference. The main emphasis will be placed on current and ongoing developments and implementations of CultIS - a web-based software platform for the intelligent digital management and presentation of large data sets and knowledge from the field of culture, humanities and social sciences. Desislava Paneva-Marinova Radoslav Pavlov Detelin Luchev Maxim Goynov Nikolay Noev Copyright (c) 2023 Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 2023-09-01 2023-09-01 13 359 363 10.55630/dipp.2023.13.38